Saturday, May 13, 2017

Messiah Complex — you're not the messiah

On Sunday (23rd April) we heard that Jesus’ disciples are to have a ‘Messiah Complex’ — like Jesus, we have been chosen and sent to save the world. You may like to read John 20:19–23 again.
Yet we can easily carry this ‘Messiah Complex’ too far. We might begin to think that we personally are special, that we by ourselves are the only ones who can save the world. So, no, we are not to have a ‘Messiah Complex.’
(1) It is not us individually who have been sent, but us plural — God sends his church.
(2) We do not do any of the work, Christ does all the work. Like a broken pot, we carry Christ to others, but it is Christ who holds us together (read Psalm 32:10–12).
Reflection question:
What gifts do you bring to the body of the Christ, so that the church may speak and receive God’s forgiveness?

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Messiah Complex — you're not the messiah

On Sunday (23rd April) we heard that Jesus’ disciples are to have a ‘Messiah Complex’ — like Jesus, we have been chosen and sent to save...