Saturday, May 13, 2017

Messiah Complex — you have been chosen to save the world!

Last Sunday (23rd April) we heard that Jesus’ disciples are to have a ‘Messiah Complex’ — like Jesus, you have been chosen and sent to save the world. You may like to read John 20:19–23 again.
You save the world in two ways:
(1) by bearing witness to the risen Christ (like Peter in Acts 2:14,22–32), and
(2) by speaking and hearing God’s word of forgiveness.
Reflection questions:
How do you bear witness to the risen Christ?
To whom are you speaking God’s word of forgiveness?

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Messiah Complex — you're not the messiah

On Sunday (23rd April) we heard that Jesus’ disciples are to have a ‘Messiah Complex’ — like Jesus, we have been chosen and sent to save...